AMI Trains
AMI Originals
AMI Tram (version 1.0) (59.26 KB, 6,009 downloads)
Default Combi-Tram modified to 4 Parts with new stats.
Airbus A320 TT-Forums/AMI Community Pack (version 1.3) (9.43 MB, 5,144 downloads)
Following the success of the first TT-Forums/AMI Community Pack, here comes the second one. Instead of narrow gauge GTWs, the task this time was to paint the A320 model.
AMI GTW Community Pack (version 1.1) (4.68 MB, 4,370 downloads)
The first TT-Forums/AMI Community Pack, narrow gauge GTWs.
AMI Skoda Tram (version 1.0) (408.05 KB, 4,243 downloads)
This tram was previously only available to supporters of AMI Trains, since time has passed and there are new vehicles available as a gift for donations I thought I'd release it publicly. It is similar to my NET tram from the discontinued remixes pack, but with AMI
written on the front part's side.
CLW/SQ ICE Train sets for Locomotion (version 1.0) (6.16 MB, 6,758 downloads)
ICE1, ICE2, ICE3, ICE3M, ICE TD "InterCityExpress" train sets for Locomotion.
Plus bonus Train sets:
RENFE Alta Velocidad Española (AVE) Class 103,
Amtrak ICE1 Demonstrator Train,
Eurotrain ICE2 TGV Duplex Hybrid (TGV Duplex included for coaches)*
Additional Bonus:
New Catenary, Higher cost, New Looks.
CLW Allegheny and West Virginia Railroad for Locomotion (version 1.0.0) (6.93 MB, 6,229 downloads)
You saw the movie, now recreate it in Locomotion!
The Runaway train from the movie unstoppable.
You know you will want to use the "Driver" cheat with set!
ET403 Inter City And ET403 (version 1.1.0) (1.92 MB, 3,917 downloads)
German ET403 Inter City (Era IV livery) and ET403 "Lufthansa Airport Express" for Locomotion.
CLW LA Poste TGV for Locomotion (version 1.0.1) (2.18 MB, 3,772 downloads)
TGV Sud-Est trainsets that are modified for transporting mail for the French postal carrier La Poste.
CLW Thalys TGV for Locomotion (version 1.0.1) (2.32 MB, 4,997 downloads)
French High Speed Thalys TGV
This set contains both the PBA and the PBKA train sets.
CLW - Flight of the M-497 (version 1.0.2) (7.27 MB, 4,442 downloads)
The record for the fastest train in America is not the modern Acela, cousin of the TGV. It is not the famed Turbo-Train with its Jet Turbine engines. It is not the Aero-Train, M-1000 or even the Pioneer Zephyr....
It is an everyday Budd RDC that was used all over the country for day to day commuter service. To be more specific, an RDC-3...
This particular RDC-3 was built in Jan. 1953 for NYC as M-497.
DB E03 (BR103.0) and BR103.1 PACK (version 1.5.0) (2.57 MB, 4,414 downloads)
German DB E03 (BR103.0) and BR103.1 PACK
Set 1:
A 03 (BR 103.0)
2 early E 03s in the 2 styles that they came in.
Set 2:
BR 103.1
5 different BR 103.1s
Trans Europe Express (Fictional Blue)
Trans Europe Express (Epoch III)
Epoch IV
Epoch V
DB Trans Europe Express Rheingold Coaches (version 1.5.0) (1.01 MB, 3,294 downloads)
German Trans Europe Express Rheingold Coaches 1970s Style
DRG E60 / BR 160 Elektrolokomotiven (version 1.0) (1003.82 KB, 3,197 downloads)
Freight Station (13.08 KB, 4,799 downloads)
Default Road Station Converted for use with rail.
You will have to manually edit Your TrackST.dat for this to work.
See http://www.tt-forums.net/viewtopic.php?f=37&t=29348 for instructions on how to do this.
French High-Speed TGV Duplex (version 2.0) (1.46 MB, 4,894 downloads)
2 versions:
1 Full length with the correct 2 powercars and 8 trailers.
(Power car, 3 first class, Bar, 4 Second Class, Power car)
1 shortened to fit into a Locomotion station with 2 power cars and 6 trailers.
(Power car, 1 first class, Bar, 3 Second Class, Power car)
DB BR200 (V200) x2 DB BR220 (V200.1) x2 PEG 270.06 x3 (version 1) (1.9 MB, 3,596 downloads)
V200 / V200.2 / V 270.06
Includes new sounds.
DB BR220 (V200) x 2
DB BR221 (V200,1) x2
PEG V 270 (ex DB V 200.1) x3
Rail Tunnel (2.79 KB, 4,536 downloads)
Replaces the default rail tunnel with the road tunnel.
CLW VW Bus (version 1.0) (197.33 KB, 3,919 downloads)
Several Vintage VW bus's for Locomotion