AMI Trains
Chicago Locomotive Works
CLW Automod, version 2.6.1 (6.56 MB, 12,106 downloads)
New Industries For Locomotion: Automotive Production Cycle
Build automobiles using auto parts and plastic while recycling scrap.
CLW Limited Edition Pack 1: Conrail Alcos, version 2.0 (9.25 MB, 11,013 downloads)
This pack starts in 1976.
When Conrail was formed in 1976, it inherited an impressive fleet of ALCO Century locomotives including almost every existing model. Unfortunately it didn't last long, the entire fleet was retired and sold or scrapped in the late 70s and early 80s.
CLW Limited Edition Pack 2: New Jersey Transit, version 1.0.1 (7.81 MB, 8,040 downloads)
This pack starts in 1981.
The New Jersey Transit Corporation (NJ Transit) is a statewide public transportation system serving the state of New Jersey, and Orange and Rockland counties in New York.
CLW Limited Edition Pack 3: Union Pacific Power Pack, version 1.2.0 (private beta) (8.68 MB, 11,361 downloads)
This pack Starts in 1941.
Some of the heaviest, most powerfull locomotives to ever run on the rails. Including the Big Boy, Challenger, C855s, GTELs, DD35s, DD40s and U50s.
London and Port Stanley Pack, no installer, version 1.5 (5.83 MB, 6,571 downloads)
This pack is best played 1915-1965.
The London and Port Stanley Railway (L&PS or L&PSR) is a historic Canadian railway located in southwestern Ontario.
Chicago Locomotive Works (Plastikman and friends) - CLW North American Mega-Pack version 1.1.3 (full) (136.89 MB, 47,339 downloads)
This pack contains:
North American Cargo Pack
North American Classic Passenger and Metro Pack
North American Amtrak and Via Pack
LTD0: CSX MOW Pack (obsolete and unsupported)
Enhanced Paper Cycle (Industry Mod)
This pack starts in 1900 and continues through today.
3DTrains Western Pacific Feather River Set for Locomotion (10.8 MB, 10,258 downloads)
Following the style of the Dekosoft sets, here is another payware pack. The Western Pacific Trains of the Feather River Canyon by 3Dtrains.
This set represents the trains and rolling stock you would typically see from the late 60s up until the merger of the Western Pacific into the Union Pacific in 1983.
Dekosoft Burlington Northern Santa Fe Pack, version 1.0.6. (9.69 MB, 10,265 downloads)
This pack starts in 1997.
Dekosoft Burlington Northern Pack, version 1.0.6 (9.72 MB, 6,669 downloads)
This pack starts in 1970 and ends in 1997.
Dekosoft Chicago and North Western Pack, version 1.0.6 (11.94 MB, 9,159 downloads)
This pack starts in 1970 and ends in 1995.
Dekosoft Union Pacific Pack with Provo Utah Scenario, version 1.0.6 (22.7 MB, 14,575 downloads)
The Provo Scenario comes with the mini scenery mod that is needed for many other 3rd party maps to work.
This pack starts in 1963.