AMI Trains
British Rail Set
British Rail Set Version 5.2.2 (Upgrade) (2.96 MB, 9,449 downloads)
This pack is an upgrade for the BR set to bring you to version 5.2.2. You must install version 5.2.1 first.
British Rail Set Version 5.2.3 (Upgrade) (1.42 MB, 8,201 downloads)
This pack is an upgrade for the BR set to bring you to version 5.2.3. You must install version 5.2.2 first.
British Rail Set Version 5.1 (Upgrade) (15.39 MB, 10,082 downloads)
This pack is an upgrade for the BR set to bring you to version 5.1. You must install version 5.0 first.
British Rail Set (Full) Version 5.0 (57.64 MB, 23,513 downloads)
This pack is the full install of the BR set to bring you to version 5.0.
British Rail Set Easter Egg (229.62 KB, 4,247 downloads)
This is an Easter Egg! I have no idea what it is. I found it cleaning the server.
- John M.